Community Calendar Event Help

This is a guide to help you add your event into the Community Calendar. Close this window to return to the event add screen.

Begin adding your event
On the calendar screen click in the date of your event and a the add screen will appear.

Date and Time
You can change the “From:” and “To:” dates for events that cover multiple days
By unchecking the “All Day” box you can add the event start and end times.

By checking the “Repeats” box you can specify that this is an event that will repeat at regular intervals.
If using the repeats feature, please enter a meaningful end date. Events left as “forever” will have an arbitrary end dated (usually 3 months) added by the approving administrator.

This will be “Calendar Event Request”. The approving administrator will assign your event to the appropriate calendar at the time of authorisation.

Enter the name of the club/society/person who is organising the event

Select the location for the event from the drop down list. If the location for your event is not listed select the option “See description for location” and include the venue details in the event description.

Add a description of the event, giving as much detail as possible. A contact e-mail address and/or phone number for the event organiser is required,
You can add links to your event web site however this must be in addition to the event description and contact details. Events that only include a Web link for the description will not be approved.

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Click the Save button to save your event. Yoy will be able to modify your own event for up to 15 minutes, after which you would need to contact The HUB and it can be updated by an administrator

You can set options for people to Signup for your event an event or to leave Comments. If you use these features please ensure hat you set the View permissions to “All Users” or you will not be able to see any of the details added.